Friday, October 10, 2014

Kayaking Trips 9/23/14 and 9/24/14

Here are what some of Ms. Pelonero's 7th graders from Austin Middle School had to say about their kayak adventures: 

My favorite part was kayaking. I learned that Galveston bay water is brackish.
-Maria H. 

My best part of the artist boat field trip was kayaking, and I learn about brackish water.
-Diana M.

I learned that different tests tell how clean our water is. My favorite part was when we went kayaking. It was also very funny.
- Batoul C.

My favorite part was everything because I had never been kayaking before. it was the most amazing thing I had ever done and experienced. I learned that a water shed is a region of land where all the water drains into a single body of water.
-Leonel M.

The trip was really fun! My favorite was painting because it was really cool to do it on the thingy that I don't know how to spell.
-Sophia R.

-Logan L.

i liked kayaking and i learned that the galveston bay is brakish water
-Julianna H.

The trip was fun. My favorite part of the trip was the kayaking part. I learned how to kayak
-Guillermo T.

The trip was really fun. My favorite part was painting on the kyak. I learned that a water shed is when oceans connect into one. I learned alot and had fun!
-Sophia R.

I enjoyed kayaking, not only was it fun, but it was educational and I learned a lot, although I did not enjoy the painting. it was fairly long to be In a kayak, but since I'm already experienced, that's okay. Eric leaned over the kayak and tipped it over and I thought that was dumb. but overall, it was fun, I usually go fishing and I saw a couple of mullet jump out of the water so I thought that was cool. #hadfunbuttoolonginkayak -Logan L.

The feild trip was great!! My favorite part was painting, one important this i learned was about watersheds.
-MaryBeth S.