Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Kaffie MS Art workshop 11/12/14

Here are some pictures from our art workshop on 11/12/14


  1. My favorite activity was the watercoloring since I like to water color sometimes and draw a lot. It made my artistic side jump out of its shell! I liked that we got to draw animals like birds and fish. Thank you for providing the fun activities! -Philomena D

  2. I would like to thank you for coming to my school and teaching us how art and science link together. The lab we did was amazing and I had so much fun with the watercolor and demonstration that you did in class. It was my first time painting with water color and I think I painted a good picture for the first time. I would hope you come back. -James M.

  3. Thank you for coming I really enjoyed it. While you were here I learned all about watersheds. While we were painting it was really fun because I had not painted anything in three years so that was really amazing for me. I really enjoyed the time I had with you guys while you were here and I know that I will remember this for a really long time because it was really fun and I loved it!

  4. Thank you very much for coming to Kaffie Middle School. I have learned a lot more since you have come. I really liked when we got to paint, that was my favorite part I think. Thank you again for coming, yall did a great job presenting and helping us with these really fun activities, you made art and science really fun to learn about. -Mia R.

  5. Thank you for giving us a great experience with art and how it is used with science. It was so fun that I went to Walmart and bought water paints and started practicing more. I really hope that we may be able to see you again and do more fun things in science class. -Angel H.

  6. Thank you Artist Boat! If you didnt come we would not know all the things that you taught us. Now I know more about how early scientists like Darwin had to draw their observations and use art for science. I would enjoy if you would come back and teach us more! -Isaac A.

  7. Thank you guys so much for showing us what we can do with art and science together. The painting and clay projects were absolutely fun and exciting. It was very nice of you to come all the way from Galveston. Thank you so much! -Madison

  8. First off, thanks for providing us wonderful information and allowing us to participate in crafts. It was hard to decide which activity was my favorite. I really enjoyed the watershed demo, the clay, and the watercolor. But being in love with paints I liked the watercolor the most. It was tons of fun. -Kayla A.

  9. Thank you for teaching me new things about fish, morphology, and many other things. What I enjoyed the most was the watercoloring. It was a fun activity to do and my class couldn't have done it without you, thank you. -Luke H.


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