Friday, December 5, 2014

Martin MS Science/Spanish Club Kayak Adventure 11/1/14

Here are some pictures of the Martin MS Science/Spanish Club kayaking on 11/1/14


  1. I liked the way the field trip was set up, with us learning how to kayak and how to water color. This was my second time on this field trip and I loved how everything was fun and educational, and the landscape was beautiful. My favorite part was doing the water colors, because we got to look at the environment and learn while you paint. The best part was learning about the water coloring most of all.

    -Alyssa Hernandez

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  3. The 2 days we spent in the outdoors were amazing. I loved how you got us to get on kayaks and how we got to draw on the shore and just the enjoy the sweet ocean breeze. Again thank you for for all these things.

    -Lupe Sosa

  4. I loved the two workshops that I was able to go to because it was lots of fun & I also learn alot about drawing & painting, kayaking & even how pollution hits the ocean. The first workshop I had went to was the one where we get to paint & we get to learn about how pollutants hit the ocean. I was really cool because we got to play a small game with it. When we painted they gave us a picture to draw. Everyone's drawings were really good. The second workshop we went to, we got to go kayaking. It was really fun & I learned how to kayak. It was fun but kind of scary because I thought we would fall over but we didn't. After we got back from kayaking we ate lunch & then we painted. I painted a sea shell with sand around it. I had lots of fun on these feild trips & I hope that I get to go again next year.

    -James Reed

  5. I loved the workshops alot because it was fun painting the landscape and also it was my first time kayaking. I learned more about pollution and how much harm it does to nature. During the field trip I learned alot about how to tell how much the water was polluted. Even though it was science, it was a fun way to learn all about water the way the girls taught us. I was so much fun when we walked on the shore looking for seashells to paint. I had a great time during those two workshops.

    -Madeliene Martinez

  6. I liked all the things we did. But the most fun thing that I like was that we kayak and did aslo did art because I really like to do art. I also like how they showed us how pollution from the farms affet the Gulf coast.

    -Jesus G.

  7. I liked how we were able to draw on the boat. I really enjoyed doing something on a Saturday. Really had fun with learning new things and trying something I've never done. It was really cool how we did a kayak race with everybody. To bad we came second, hope we can do it again soon.

    -David T.

  8. I like the Artist boat because I learned how to kayak and I saw that the water wasen't clear enough to see thragh the plastic tube. So we looked at lessons on water quality, for example measureing turbidity & salinity. I mearsuring of the turbidity was thick until we dumped out some of the water then it became bearly clear so that ment that it had a lot of silt, clay and sand and other substances. And there was a lot of salinity so there was a lot of dissolved salt so every kilogram of seawater is 35 grams are salt.

    -Ramon L.

  9. Yes, I had fun the two workshops. I learn a lot of how poulesh can hurt and the differents types of poullution. It was easy to under stand because she gave use a example. I like when we water paintings. In the kayaks I learn how to work a kayak. It was aslo fun when we painted what we saw around us in. When they should us water asmplings measuring turbidity, water quality and salinity.


  10. What I liked about the Artistic Boat is that how we did the demostration of pollution in the water. The polluntants are pestisides, herbisides, oil, trash bags, fertilizer, ect. After that they showed us how to paint with watercolors. You use the water to show how light the color can be. Then we picked a subject to color then we colored the picture after we drew it. And this is what I enjoed about the Artistic Boat.

    -Christopher H.

  11. What I liked about the lessons is, teaching us about where the waste we use in everyday life ends up. I love the water coloring and the kayaking activity, but what I liked most about the kayaking experiment is that we were outdoors and walking on the little beach collecting shells.

    -Brianna C.

  12. I liked kayaking because we got to be in the water. Got to be in a kayak at the bay. I loved the part when we got to pick up shells, and to paint them. I liked how to learn how to paddle.

    -Jesus J.

  13. I loved the field trip because we got to learn about the water and saw how it can be dirty. I loved learning how to kayak especially when we walked on the sand and looked for seashells. I loved looking at the different birds that were there. I loved looking and learning about anything there was to see or learn about.

    -Teresa J.

  14. I like ever thing especally kiaking. I learned that the bay had some salt in it and I like painting. The kiaking was fun and I learned how to use the ores and kiaking.

    -Amya R.

  15. I really liked the kayaking field trip! I thought it was really fun because I had never been kayaking. It was such a good day to be out and the water was pretty cold. I also learned a little more about wetlands that I didn't know before. I liked the art part of the field trip because it gave me a chance to draw what I saw. Overall, I had a great time and I hope to go again next year.

    -Julie T.

  16. The thing that I liked most about the Artist Boat field trip was that I learned how to control a kayak, I also learned how to paddle the kayak. The second most fun thing that I experienced was to be exposed to water coloring. That was fun and exciting.

    -Gabriel A.


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