Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Kaffie MS Watershed Workshop 11/12/14

Here are some pictures from our watershed workshop with Kaffie MS


  1. I like how you taught us about the watershed and about brackish water. I didn't know we had so many watersheds. The Nueces is pretty big! -Larion

  2. I learned plenty about watershed and pollution. That actually made me think about how our bays and river are doing. Speaking of Corpus Christi's water sources, I learned about our waters that I didn't even know of. Thank you for coming to our school, I learned a lot! -Stacia M.

  3. Learning all these things that I did not know at all made me realize that learning things can be really fun in many different types of ways. That is why these activities made me have so much fun about learning things. That is why I really appreciate you coming all the way from Galveston to teach us. Thank you! -Angelina G.

  4. Thank you so much for coming to my science class. Getting to do all the activities was more fun than hearing a lecture, we actually got to work with our hands and learn something at the same time. I learned about point and non point source pollution and where they come from. -Brian F.

  5. I really loved the activities you gave us. I was so interested and I would really like to learn more. You guys were really fun and I wish you could come back and teach us more. Thank you so much and I miss you guys! -Alexa

  6. Thank you Cherie and Rae for coming and visiting my school and teaching me the importance of our water and different everyday things that effect our ecosystem. The visual that you showed us made a clear understanding about what happens to all the unwanted chemicals that flow into our ecosystem. You taught me the importance of water conservation and how not protecting it effects the ecosystem around us. -Michaela

  7. I had such a good time learning everything yall taught us. So I think Mrs. Hopkins for letting yall teach us all this amazing stuff about watersheds and plants and animals. I wish yall did not have to leave. Again, thank you so much! -Ben

  8. My favorite part was when we did the watershed activity. I hope you enjoyed it here. I really enjoy marine life and it was rather interesting to me when you were here teaching us. I hope next time you come it will be longer. Thank you for teaching us about the environment and marine life. I'll do my best to take care of it. -Seth S.

  9. Thank you Artist Boat for taking the time to teach us here at Kaffie about Watersheds, Wetlands, Estuaries, and more amazing science. Now I know more about how these things work and will be able to use them later on in life since I want to be a conservationist of these wetlands, or a marine biologist. I had some fun times while you were here. Thank you! -Noah V.

  10. I appreciate you coming to school and teaching us many things about our environment. I learned things that I didn't know, like non-point and point source pollution. I also learned things about plants and more about the environment around Corpus Christi and the Nueces river watershed. I liked my painting and clay fish too! -Denzel F.


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